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Mental Causation

Laurie Paul (keynote): University of North Carolina

Wang Wei (comments): Tsinghua University

April 2, 2016 (9:20 am)
Renmin University of China
600 Renwen Building

Call for Papers

We invite graduate students and young faculty to submit papers in any area of analytic philosophy, but preference will be given to papers in metaphysics (regarding causation) and philosophy of mind (regarding mental causation).

The deadline for submitting papers is: March 15, 2016. Papers should be suitable for 20-25 minute presentations (3,000-4,000 words) and made ready for blind review. Submissions should also include a cover letter with the following information: (i) author name, (ii) email, (iii) institution, (iv) paper topic, (v) word count, and (vi) an abstract (150 words).

** 1,200 RMB prize for best student paper and a 600 RMB prize for the runner-up.

** There are a limited number of travel/accommodations grants available for students in China outside Beijing, if interested please specify this in your email.

** Select papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of Frontiers of Philosophy in China.

Submissions should be emailed to:

Be sure to attach your paper and cover letter as .doc(x) or .pdf files. Notices of acceptance will be sent by March 15, 2016.


