预告|学科国际前沿教师培训项目 Lecture1:Bu ren and xiu wu in the Mencius
Early Confucian Moral Psychology
Lecture One:
Bu ren不忍 and xiu wu羞恶
in the Mencius
Winnie Sung( Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Wei Sun(Dean of the Institute of Philosophy, Beijing Academy of Social Sciences)
Jifen Li(Renmin University of China)
Date: 6.4, 2024
Place:Renwen Building(人文楼) 600
About the speaker:
Winnie Sung is Associate Professor at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. Her current research covers three main areas. The first area is concerned with early Confucian thought, especially with pre-Qin philosopher Xunzi’s thought. The second area is concerned with moral psychology. She has worked on topics such as hypocrisy, trustworthiness, resentment, and sympathy. The third area is concerned with issues that are at the intersection of epistemology and philosophy of mind, focusing on reasoning and self-knowledge. She was previously Research Assistant Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and is currently Visiting Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Leeds UK.
Lecture 1 investigates the notion of bu ren 不忍 (cannot bear to harm others) and xiu wu 羞恶 (embarrassment and loathing). We will attempt to examine aspects of bu ren and xiu wu that are understudied, even though these two notions are widely acknowledged to be central to Mencius’s thought. We will make textual observations about the terms and highlight the features of and the psychological conditions necessary for these psychological phenomena.