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预告 | 全英文系列讲座:中国哲学与当代视界 | 第十一讲

English Lecture Series: Chinese Philosophy and Modern Perspectives  ·  2022

 全英文系列讲座:中国哲学与当代视界 · 2022



Speaker 主讲人:Yuan Li 原理

Date 日期: 1, Dec. 2022, Thursday 周四

Time 时间:14:00-15:30

Place 地点:Lide Building 立德楼 0709

Tencent meeting ID 腾讯会议ID: 699 4551 8805

Back up ID 备用会议号:810 8525 2846

Bilibili B站直播间 ID2239 1891

Abstract about the lecture:

Research on ethical leadership in organizations has been largely based on Western philosophical traditions and have tended to focus on Western corporate experiences. Insights gained from such studies may however not be universally applicable in other cultural contexts. We are going to examine the normative grounds for an alternative Confucian virtue-based ethics of leadership in China. Based on three fundamental aspects of Confucian virtue ethics: ren (benevolence), yi (righteousness) and li(ritual propriety), an ideal Confucian leader exemplifies the virtuous role model, exudes moral charisma and influences others by shaping an organization’s ethical culture through the process of ritualization.

About the speaker:

Yuan Li, associate professor in Renmin University of China. She received her Ph.D in Management from University of Aberdeen in the UK in 2011. Her research interests include ethical leadership, the corporate social responsibility, business ethics and so forth.

Host: School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China; Institute for Advanced International Philosophical Studies

