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题目:The Challenges and Opportunities of Gene Editing: Scientific and Ethical Considerations

主讲:William B. Hurlbut

简介:医学博士,现为斯坦福大学医药中心神经生物学系顾问教授,2001-2009 年任职美国 生物伦理学总统委员会。专业领域为神经系统科学,早年也关注遗传学和发育生物学相关的 干细胞、克隆等议题,近来关注人工智能和机器人学相关议题。现在斯坦福大学共同主持以 “人文的边界:生物技术时代的人类、动物和机器”为题的交叉学科讨论班,且正要与发现基 因编辑技术的 Jennifer Doudna 开展关于基因编辑技术巨大进步的重大国际项目。


时间:2016 年 11 月 24 日周四 14:00-16:30 

地点:中国人民大学公共教学 1 楼 1402 室

摘要:This is a talk about the important ethical issues associated with CRISPR. I will set out a brief de1111ion of the science, discuss the international summit held in Washington at the National Academy of Sciences last December, and then for the major portion of the talk discuss the difficult and important ethical issues associated with this technology. This would include discussions of therapy verses enhancement, embryo research, and more broadly, basic questions on the proper role of human beings in altering the natural order.