Jul 10 , 2024

The PPE program at Renmin University of China is managed by the school of philosophy, in collaboration with the School of International Relations, the School of Economics, and the School of Applied Economics. Students benefit from the high-quality teaching of all four schools.

The core courses of the PPE program are taught by experienced professors from the four schools, with some courses being taught by overseas experts. Additionally, there are a significant number of English or bilingual courses offered, The School of Philosophy has signed on official cooperation agreement with Hertford College of Oxford University. Exceptional PPE students are offered the opportunity to participate in a one-year exchange program at Oxford University. Further, a select group of students have the chance to engage in short-term academic visits to the United Kingdom during the autumn semester of their second year. During these visits, they can attend classes, interact with local PPE students and faculty, and participate in a range of academic activities.