A Word From The Dean

After more than 60 years of continuous exploration, the School of Philosophy at Renmin University of China has made significant achievements, having a major impact on both academic and society. We have excelled in areas such as curriculum construction, nurturing students, undertaking research, engaging with the global community, inheriting cultural traditions, and offering our services to society. In terms of advancing philosophy in China in the context of today's world, our scholars have continued to examine deeply the history and core ideas of philosophy, have become skilled in solving real-world problems, and have sought to capture the essence of philosophy in today’s China. Our research is both global and local, offering fresh perspectives and insights. All of this reflects a revival of the humanities as such. In this new era, which is eager for new ideas, scholars from our School are ready to take on the challenges of our time, lead the way, and keep adding insightful new chapters to the world of thought.

ZANG, Fengyu

Professor, Dean of the School