The first class of “Masters Speak on the Dao”professional guidance series in the School of Philosophy has commenced

Sep 08 , 2024

On the morning of September 8, 2024, Mr.Guo Zhan, a famous philosopher and Honorary First Class Professor of Renmin University of China, gave the first lesson of “Masters Speak on the Dao” to all the new students with the topic of “Philosophical Thinking and Philosophical Life”. Professor Zang Fengyu, Dean of the School of Philosophy, presided over the first lesson.

Mr. Guo Zhan has developed an in-depth analysis and exploration of the “what is philosophical thinking” and “what does philosophy thing do”. In response to the first question, “What is philosophical thinking”, Mr. Guo presented a series of representative descriptions, which are an open series that can be added or subtracted, thus constituting a number of solutions to the question of “What is philosophical thinking”. First, philosophical thinking is a cultural form, which is different from scientific thinking, political thinking, economic thinking, religious thinking and artistic thinking. Second, philosophy represents a unique way of thinking. It is both different from and connected to everyday thinking, scientific thinking, religious thinking, and artistic thinking, and is a holistic, reflective, and critical way of thinking. Third, the fruits of philosophical thinking are the essence of the spirit of the times, the times in thought; therefore, the rise of contemporary Chinese philosophy deserves attention. Fourth, philosophical thinking is a systematized and theoretical worldview and methodological thinking. Fifth, philosophical thinking is a form of “wisdom of the world”, which reveals the relationship between the world and human beings, between individuals, between one’s body and mind, as well as humanity’s introspection.. Sixth, philosophical thinking is a kind of scientific thinking. It is a reflection on the premises of science, based on specific scientific knowledge and methods, and reflecting on the premises of scientific activities and theories. Seventh, philosophical thinking is also a kind of artistic thinking, which reveals the artistic nature of this spiritual phenomenon of human beings through the relationship between rationality and irrationality, reason and emotion. Eighth, like scientific, political, economic, religious and artistic thinking, philosophical thinking can be a way of living.

Faced with the second question, “What does philosophy thinking do”, Mr. Guo made a distinction between (1) what philosophical thinking does on its own, and (2) what role philosophical thinking plays. If the first dimension of the question focuses on the theoretical aspect of philosophy, the second dimension emphasizes its practical application, The relationship between philosophical thinking and us depends not only on what philosophical thinking inherently is, but also on who we are; our own nature, qualities, and abilities determine the value of philosophical thinking in relation to us. Finally, Mr. Guo shared with the students the important key words in life, “safety”, “health”, “diligence”, “harmony”, and “aesthetics”.

During the interaction and discussion session, the participating freshmen engaged in profound and extensive discussions with Mr. Guo Zhan.

When presiding over the lecture, Dean Zang Fengyu remarked that Mr. Guo Zhan embarked on his discourse by acknowledging that philosophy is a field with a long history, rich connotations, and boundless variations. He shared insights from three perspectives: "What is Philosophy," "What Does Philosophical Thinking Do," and "Keywords in Life," profoundly elucidating the fundamental questions of philosophy and the contemporary value of philosophical research, illuminating the intrinsic relationship between philosophy and life. For the freshmen attendees, this lecture was an academic feast, guiding them to enhance their philosophical thinking abilities and fostering a scientific view of life.

In the interactive part of the lecture, Dean Zang Fengyu introduced the PPE undergraduates of the school of Philosophy in the class of 2024. In this military training, their company was the only company that won the honorary title of “shangong Company”. Dean Zang expressed his hope that the students of the school of Philosophy can inherit the red gene and continue the red bloodline, and be the pillars of rejuvenation and the pioneers of a strong nation with a striving attitude. Finally, the student representative presented flowers to Professor Guo Zhan, and all present faculty and students extended their wish for Professor Guo’s good health and enduring academic achievements.