“Mountain Ni Report” Research Group of Renmin University of China | Coexistence of Multiple Civilizations and Global Civilizational Development - Global Civilization and the Future of Humanity · Mountain Ni Report 2023

Mar 08 , 2024

Over the courseof human history, cultures of different ethnic groups and regions have converged into a magnificent historical painting, shaping a brilliant cultural spectrum. The four ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China have nurtured four distinct forms of civilization, each originating from different ethnic groups and regions, and embodying the colorful cultural landscape of humanity in different forms. Mutual respect, exchange on an equal basis, learning from each other with an attitude of harmony in diversity and inclusiveness is the main theme of the symphony of human civilization, promoting the progress of the times while enriching the spiritual life of humanity.


Nowadays, the world situation is undergoing unprecedented and complex changes, bringing tremendous uncertainty to the development of human civilization. The fragility of the world economy has become more prominent, geopolitical tensions have intensified, and multiple crises such as food and energy shortages have piled up, posing significant challenges to human development. Facing the violent turbulence in the world's political and economic order and striving to emerge from these all-encompassing risks and crises, we cannot but pose era-defining questions that echo the profoundness of Chinese civilization: Where is the propriety?

To answer this question, we must face the historical facts of various nations exploring the path of civilizational progress, consolidate common values for all humanity, and open up a new situation of harmonious coexistence and shared prosperity among diverse civilizations. The common values of all humanity are not castle in the air, but common experiences accumulated through practical interactions among different civilizations, as well as common norms constraining the interactive behaviors of various nations. Abandoning common values will lead to conflicts among civilizations. The common values of all humanity are not the special will of any particular nation, but a common will formed through mutual respect, exchange on an equal basis, mutual learning and integration. Adhering to these common values means respecting the free will of each nation.

The search for common values among all humanity does not require that much effort, they reside deep within our hearts. Everyone possesses a conscience and innate goodness, and a sincere inquiry into one's own heart will reveal the principles of the universe that resonate with our inner selves. Human beings share the same mental structure, which is a consensus among many great minds in human history. In the 18th century in the West, Adam Smith, an enlightenment figure of modern civilization, discovered through his careful examination of human nature the social propriety that emerges from the mutual collision of natural passions within the human mind. Earlier in the East, Lu Jiuyuan proposed the philosophical concept of “everyone possesses this heart, and the heart possesses reason; the heart is reason itself.” The common values of all humanity are rooted in the consensus of human hearts and serve as the conceptual foundation for the common order evolved by various civilizations in the world of life.

Plato, an ancient Greek philosopher, divided the order of the soul into three parts, advocating to control desires with rationality, in order to conform to the beauty of ideal. The structure of beautiful music is similar to that of a healthy soul, reflecting the order of natural justice everywhere. Such music has a strong power to penetrate deep into the soul, guiding the soul towards harmony and goodness, and cultivating the soul into a daily habit. As early as the Western Zhou Dynasty, the Chinese civilization had realized the connection between rites and music and the soul, and began to develop the order of the life world based on the order of the soul. It regulated human behavior with moral rites and laws, and elevated rites and music to the height of civilization. Rites originate from the order of heaven and earth, and music originate from the harmony in heaven and earth. Confucius often mentioned rites and music together and highly praised them. The civilization of rites and music prevails in the world, teaching people to cultivate their moral character, understand the Dao of heaven, teach people be humble and polite, maintain dignity and order, and achieve harmony between man and nature. This is the essence of Chinese rites and music civilization. Following the order of nature to formulate rituals and laws is to restore the natural good order of the soul in the midst of complex and chaotic conflicts through external institutions and etiquette. Rites cannot be separated from music. Good behavior is not the result of external coercion, but the goodness that comes from the heart. Dancing and playing music can awaken the natural power of goodness in the soul and cultivate people's inherent virtues.

Rituals are rooted in emotions and also conform to emotions. Human emotions have seven aspects: joy, anger, sorrow, happiness, love, hatred, and desire. If we do not express emotions through rituals, it will be difficult to achieve harmony and smoothness. If we do not regulate emotions with rituals, it will be challenging to maintain proper balance. The essence of rituals lies in knowing when to stop. Those who conform to rituals understand what they should do and what they should not do. They perceive the virtues that others dislike and dislike them, and appreciate the virtues that others admire and admire them, based on the universal emotions of all people. Acting in accordance with rituals requires that one's behavior conforms to external norms and meets the commonly recognized values of the public, without crossing any boundaries. In this way, although there are differences in length and shape among all things in the world, they coexist harmoniously without harming each other. This is precisely because the universe can accommodate differences and enable all things to coexist in harmony. The essence of music lies in harmony, not seeking uniformity in all things, but exploring the convergence of great truths among diversity. Acting in accordance with the spirit of music requires that interactions between people start from genuine kindness and pursue the beauty of harmony.

Rituals and music have shaped the Chinese nation's attitude towards life, which emphasizing harmony and inclusiveness. They are customs and norms that have persisted for thousands of years and are still alive in the daily lives of the Chinese people. They are the hallmarks of Chinese civilization. The common beliefs of the Chinese nation, including the indivisibility of territory, the stability of the country, the unity of the nation, and the continuity of civilization, as well as the harmonious coexistence of diverse cultures among various ethnic groups, can all reflect the effectiveness of rituals and music in moral education. In the process of modernization, Chinese civilization has combined the old with the new, making the civilization of rituals and music evolve from history to the present, creating a new, organically unified cultural life form. This has been achieved through the integration of the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific realities and excellent traditional culture. Every manifestation of Marxism that is integrated with China's specific realities carries Chinese characteristics and embodies the cultural forms of the Chinese nation, rejuvenating the substantive content of Chinese civilization.

Rituals and music are not only the spiritual wealth of Chinese civilization, but also provide a useful reference for global civilization to escape conflicts and collisions, promote global cultural dialogue and integration, and construct a civilized development pattern that emphasizes harmony in diversity. Rooted in the harmony of human spirits and focusing on the common values of all humanity, the civilization of rituals and music understands the shared destiny of all mankind with the spiritual qualities of knowing when to stop and pursuing harmony. It transcends the Western civilization-centered perspective, regulates the global cultural order with rituals, and promotes global cultural exchanges with music. This gives birth to new cultural concepts and practices in the inner spiritual world of human beings, reevaluates human values, attitudes towards life, and moral consciousness, and endows them with new norms.

Today, the world is anticipating what kind of propositions for the times China, which is becoming increasingly politically and economically powerful, and increasingly confident in its path, theory, system, and culture, will put forward for human development, and what kind of values and beliefs it will contribute to the fate of mankind. Today, China is reflecting deeply. As the modern world system increasingly exposes its flaws and crises, how should a human world where new opportunities coexist with new challenges embark on a new journey based on new values and beliefs, to ordain conscience for Heaven and Earth, to secure life and fortune for the people. How should we outline a shared vision for human development, create a new world of rites and music with a new spirit of world history, to continue lost teachings for past sages, to establish peace for all future generations.

Ⅰ Grasping the historical laws of civilizational progress

The long river of human civilization rolls forward, day and night without tastes. Diverse and brilliant civilizations have been nurtured over thousands of years of exchange, integration, and innovation among various countries, nations, and regions. “ The sun and the moon shine in different ways, yet their brightness is just right for the day and the night respectively.” Every civilization is formed based on different historical and cultural traditions, is a vivid manifestation of a nation's ideological concepts and spiritual pursuits, and is a common wealth created by humanity through arduous practical endeavors.

In the early stages of human history, civilizations were surrounded by nature, with rugged mountains and winding rivers blocking their exchange. Various civilizations scattered across different regions and ethnic groups advanced alone and difficultly. A huge natural disaster or a fierce war and conflict could lead to the destruction of a civilization. This isolated and helpless situation lasted for thousands of years. The booming development of modern commerce and industry changed the course of civilization. The rapidly developing productive forces drove the pace of commercial civilization from Western Europe to the world. Humanity harnessed the power of civilization to conquer nature, traverse continents, and cross oceans. In order to pursue more interests, settle down everywhere, develop everywhere, and establish connections everywhere. Driven by commercial civilization, all civilizations are involved in the system of modern division of labor and universal communication. As a result, human civilization has entered the process of world history.

In the face of the torrent of the civilized era, Marx profoundly pointed out: “The spiritual products of each nation have become a common property. The one-sidedness and limitations of nations are increasingly becoming impossible, and thus a world literature has emerged from many kinds of national and local literatures.” (Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 2, People's Publishing House, 2009 edition) The grand sweep of world history suggests that those who conform to its trend will prosper, while those who oppose it will perish. To shine brightly on the stage of world history, any civilized nation must conform to the general trend of the times, strengthen exchanges and mutual learning with other civilizations, and achieve creative transformation and innovative development of its own national culture. Otherwise, by reverting to the concept of self-isolation, the civilization will surely wilt.

Looking globally, the world today is undergoing a new round of significant changes, with sluggish recovery of the world economy, widening development gaps, and deteriorating ecological environments. The invisible barriers of unilateralism and Cold War thinking have hindered the historical trend of civilized exchanges and mutual learning, artificially creating a “conflict of civilizations.” Amidst multiple challenges and crises that intersect and overlap, human civilization has once again arrived at a crossroads in history. The question of “what is happening to the world and where is humanity heading?” has become an urgent question of the times that needs to be answered.

More than three thousand years ago, the Western Zhou Dynasty established rites and music, accumulated virtues and righteousness, respected morality and protected the people, bringing long-term stability to the nation. Later, when faced with external enemy invasions, the royal family relocated to Luoyi in the east, and its governance power greatly diminished, making it resemble a small country. With the princes dividing into separate states, exceeding their rites and powers, bullying the weak with strength, attacking and annexing each other, and the barbarian tribes contending for power in the Central Plains, wars broke out everywhere. Consequently, the rites collapsed and music decayed, and the world was thrown into chaos. Facing the situation of “disorder in the state,” Confucius advocated benevolence and moral learning, arguing for Governance Based on Virtue and “ Restrain Yourself and Follow Social Norms.” He extended the inner spirit of rites and music civilization to the common people, establishing standards for judging right and wrong, justice and injustice, and good and evil in the world. From then on, the world was guided by morality(Dao).

Drawing lessons from the Spring and Autumn Period, the international disputes faced by humanity in the age of civilization are even more complex. On one hand, with the collapse of the colonial system, the consciousness of oppressed nations has gradually awakened, pursuing the independence of their own civilizations and proposing modernization views that differ from Western 'universal values' based on the rich achievements of civilizational practices. The diversity of civilizations is increasingly prominent, and cultural differences are deepening. On the other hand, human civilization has entered the information era. With economic globalization, technological integration, and information networking, various civilizations are deeply integrated through cooperation and competition, influencing and absorbing each other. The intertwining of diversification and integration, regionalization and globalization, nationalization and internationalization constitute the tensions that must be carefully handled in the advancement of human civilization.

Around 500 BC was the axial age of human history, when great thinkers put forward unique insights on the fate of humanity, leaving precious spiritual legacies for various nations. The cultural legacies of the axial age always reignite the passion for renewal at crucial moments in the development of human civilization, promoting new leaps forward in civilization. Today, human civilization is experiencing unprecedented changes. It is necessary for all civilizations to carefully review their past paths, draw lessons from the rise and fall of classical civilizations, and draw nourishment from the essence of thought in the axial age, to jointly explore solutions to the predicament of human civilization.

Ⅱ Respecting Independent Exploration of the Diversity of World Civilizations

In today's world, different civilizations, through universal interactions, have formed a community with a shared future for mankind where all are bound together in weal and woe. The development of human civilization is both national and global. Various civilizations must break out of their self-indulgent confines, maintain active communication and peaceful exchanges with other civilizations, recognize themselves through others, and learn from each other. We should respect the diversity of world civilizations, adhere to the principles of equality, mutual learning, dialogue, and inclusiveness among civilizations, surpass cultural barriers through cultural exchanges, overcome cultural conflicts through mutual learning, and transcend cultural superiority through inclusiveness. Start from a righteous position and walk a path of great virtues. The vast ocean of human civilization does not reject the trickle of every nation. Civilizations differ in their rich and varied expressions, but there is no distinction between superior and inferior. Any attempt to obstruct cultural exchanges and mutual learning, or reject the common values of all mankind, cannot change the trend of peaceful cooperation, open integration, transformation, and innovation in human civilization. we must not let our vision be blocked by floating clouds, accurately grasp the trend of human civilization, and bravely move forward towards the goal of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

The Chinese nation has accumulated a splendid civilization over more than five thousand years of history, making an indelible contribution to the progress of human civilization. The continuous development of civilization for over five thousand years, the public life formed by a vast territory and numerous people, and the unified order with diversity are the hallmarks of ancient China's civilization. The continuous development of Chinese civilization to this day has given birth to a unique civilizational system through the process of continuous, extensive, and unified development in China, innovating ancient wisdom for modern times and demonstrating the power of enduring vitality.The traditions of Chinese civilization embody a cosmology of following the laws of nature and participating in the creation and nurturing of all things; a worldview of viewing the world as a family, with all people within the four seas as brothers; an international perspective of being kind to neighbors and harmonizing with all nations; and an ethical outlook of upholding justice and clarity in interests, respecting others, and avoiding contention. The traditions of Chinese civilization uphold the value principle of harmonious coexistence and diversity, adhering to the practical norms of helping others while advancing oneself and promoting good for all under heaven. They hold fast to the ideal belief of the great way prevailing and the world belonging to all, and embody the spiritual style of self-reflection and leading by example. The source of the enduring vitality of Chinese civilization lies in this spirit of “connecting the ancient and the modern, exploring the laws of nature and humanity.”

However, since modern times, the Chinese civilization has fallen into a situation where the East is subordinate to the West in the collision with Western civilization, once lagging behind the process of modern world civilization. The Chinese nation has entered a difficult situation where the country is dishonored, the people are suffering, and the civilization is dusted. The Chinese people, undaunted by the predicament, have found the strength to move forward from historical changes. In the process of striving for national survival and gradual self-strengthening, Chinese visionaries have realized that “save our people from misery and prop up our tottering country without delay.” It is necessary to open up a modernization path that suits China's reality in the universal situation of world history and achieve the modern transformation of Chinese civilization.

In the exploration of benevolent people and high-minded scholars seeking happiness for the people, rejuvenation for the nation, and harmony for the world, the October Revolution sent Marxism-Leninism to China, which was suffering from both internal and external troubles. Since then, the Chinese people have found a theoretical guide for national liberation. The Communist Party of China emerged as the times required in the process of combining Marxism with the Chinese labor movement. The Chinese people began to shift from passive to active spiritually, basing themselves on China's historical traditions and social realities, and taking their own path to modernization. As General Secretary Xi Jinping said, “Marxism brought advanced ideological theories to China, activated the genes of Chinese civilization with the light of truth, led China into the modern world, and promoted the life renewal and modern transformation of Chinese civilization.” (Xi Jinping, Speech at the Symposium on Cultural Inheritance and Development, Qiushi, Issue 17, 2023)

As loyal inheritors and promoters of China's fine traditional culture, the Chinese Communists regard all excellent traditions of the Chinese nation as a living entity closely connected with their own flesh and blood, and carry them forward. By realizing the creative transformation and innovative development of China's fine traditional culture, the Chinese Communists have brought ancient China into the process of modern civilization, created a new form of human civilization, and cast a new glory for Chinese culture. They have opened up new historical situations in historical difficulties and seized historical opportunities in historical crises, ensuring the continuous development and cohesion of Chinese civilization. Looking back at the century-long journey of Chinese modernization, it can be seen that Marxism, rooted in the realities of China's social development and fine traditional culture, has formed a fresh and lively Chinese style and character, promoting independent exploration that respects the diversity of world civilizations.

In the new era and on the new journey, General Secretary Xi Jinping has creatively elaborated on the inherent mechanism of combining the basic principles of Marxism with excellent traditional Chinese culture, elevating the 'second combination' to a fundamental principle of Sinicization of Marxism. He strives to integrate the 'soul' of Marxism with the 'roots' of excellent traditional Chinese culture in the practical creation of Chinese modernization. Combining the basic principles of Marxism with excellent traditional Chinese culture is a scientific method to continue promoting cultural prosperity and building a culturally powerful country at a new starting point. It is also our fundamental principle for building modern Chinese civilization.

Nowadays, the rise of emerging market countries and developing countries is unprecedented, the metabolism and fierce competition brought by the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation are unprecedented, and the mismatch and asymmetry between the global governance system and the changes in the international situation are also unprecedented. The global pandemic of COVID-19 has accelerated the great changes, economic globalization has encountered reverses, protectionism and unilateralism have increased, the world economy has been sluggish, and international trade and investment have shrunk significantly, posing unprecedented challenges and tests to human production and life. Nowadays, the civilized order constructed by the West has changed from the driving force of world history to the obstacle of global transformation and upgrading, international cooperation and win-win results, and has become a shackle hindering the great changes in the world. Since the 20th century, Western countries have been aware of the stagnation of civilization, but many measures to deal with practical problems are full of Western-centered arrogance. The theory of the end of history holds that Western modern civilization has exhausted the possibilities of human history, and human civilization has stagnated in the global replication of the same model, and can only endure the difficulties it brings. The theory of civilizational conflict believes that the values of different civilizations cannot be interoperable, and ultimately will lead to real conflicts.

If modern civilization is destined to stagnate in the dilemma of decline and conflict, it would be pointing the development of civilization towards a decline without “the Way,” abandoning the mission of ensuring the sustainable development of humanity. Chinese civilization firmly believes in “the Way of Heaven,” that human beings should coexist harmoniously. Chinese civilization firmly believes that “All people under heaven have the same goal, though they take different routes; they cherish the same principles, but they hold different views” The development of modern civilization does not have to follow a single model, and new form of human advancement is practical creations that meet people's pursuit of a better life in the process of modernization.

Hegel once said that the position a nation occupies in the development stage of world history depends on the spirit embodied by that nation. Leading the future development path of human civilization is the mission and responsibility of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In addition to demonstrating a modern civilization embodying a new form through practical actions, the Chinese nation is also contributing a new civilized spirit to world civilization. This civilized spirit originates from the long-standing tradition of Chinese civilization and has been rejuvenated in contemporary Chinese Marxism.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “Chinese modernization is the broad road to building a strong country and realizing national rejuvenation. Chinese modernization endows Chinese civilization with modern strength, and Chinese civilization endows Chinese modernization with profound roots. Chinese modernization is the modernization that continues ancient civilizations, rather than destroys them; it is the modernization that grows from the Chinese land, not a copy of other countries' modernization; it is the result of civilization renewal, not the product of civilization rupture. Chinese modernization is the new mission of the ancient Chinese nation, and it will surely rejuvenate Chinese civilization.” (Xi Jinping, “Speech at the Symposium on Cultural Inheritance and Development,” Qiushi, Issue 17, 2023) The Communist Party of China has united and led the people to achieve the modernization of a huge population, the modernization of common prosperity for all, the modernization of material and cultural-ethical advancement, the modernization of harmony between humanity and nature, and the modernization of peaceful development. Chine modernization not only has the common characteristics of modernization in various countries, but also has its own Chinese characteristics based on its national conditions, bringing more certainty to world peace and development. The civilization rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has illuminated the process of human civilization in the 21st century and contributed an ancient yet brand-new civilized spirit to world civilization.

III Rejuvenating the Substantive Content of Chinese Civilization

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “To open up and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics on the profound foundation of the Chinese civilization of more than 5,000 years, it is the only way to integrate the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific realities and fine traditional Chinese culture. This is the regular understanding we have obtained in exploring the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We have always emphasized the integration of the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific realities, and now we have clearly put forward the 'second combination'. As I said, if there is no Chinese civilization of 5,000 years, where will there be any Chinese characteristics? If it were not for Chinese characteristics, how would we have such a successful path of socialism with Chinese characteristics today? Only by basing ourselves on the magnificent Chinese civilization history of more than 5,000 years can we truly understand the historical necessity, cultural connotation and unique advantages of the Chinese road.” Chinese modernization has given modern power to the fine traditional Chinese culture, promoted its creative transformation and innovative development, rejuvenated the substantive content of the Chinese civilization, and provided a strong foundation for the construction of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

Through the continuous liberation and development of productive forces, Chine modernization has provided new ideas and experience for the modern transformation of human civilization. The Chinese nation relies on endogenous forces to promote civilization and progress, cultivate people's modern literacy and harmonious and symbiotic social relations, and get out of the confrontational dilemma of modern civilization. In accordance with the common values of mankind and in order to promote the all-round development of human beings, the Chine modernization has provided a new choice for mankind to realize modernization.

Throughout the history of human civilization, moments of crisis and turbulence are also important opportunities for the reconstruction of civilization order. President Xi Jinping has profoundly grasped the experience of the development of Chinese civilization and world civilization, and has insight into the new trends of the world's centenary changes. He profoundly pointed out that “In this world, the degree of interconnection and interdependence between countries has been unprecedentedly deepened. Human beings live in the same global village, in the same time and space where history and reality converge, and increasingly become a community with a shared future where you have me and I have you.” (Xi Jinping: Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, Volume I, Foreign Languages Press, 2018) China's proposal to build a community with a shared future for mankind and achieve win-win cooperation and sharing has demonstrated Chinese wisdom, Chinese solutions, and Chinese strength in addressing major human issues and building an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world that enjoys enduring peace, universal security, and common prosperity.

To build a community with a shared future for mankind, guided by the common values of all mankind and aiming at the development, prosperity and happiness of all mankind, implies forward-looking thinking on the new form of human civilization and an accurate grasp of the general trend of human development. It calls for different countries to share common interests, rights and responsibilities in international affairs, and form the greatest common denominator for building a better world. China is committed to continuously upgrading its strategic cooperative partnerships with other countries and regions, striving to build regional and bilateral communities with a shared future, and promoting the building of a new international political order.

Advocating that cooperation among countries should serve the whole mankind as its purpose, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed the 'Global Security Initiative', which provides a new way of thinking to solve the actual 'security dilemma' in international relations, and helps to build a community of human security and shape a new international security order. Advocating to “build a global partnership for development that is solidary, equal, balanced and inclusive” (Xi Jinping presided over the High-level Dialogue on Global Development and delivered an important speech, People's Daily, June 25, 2022), General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed the 'Global Development Initiative' to form an international joint force to promote the realization of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Guided by the common values of all mankind and surpassing the theory of universal values and the theory of civilization conflicts, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed the 'Global Civilization Initiative', which is rooted in the fine traditional Chinese culture, helps to promote the exchange and mutual learning of global civilizations and shape a new international order of civilization, cope with common challenges, and move towards a better future. We should not only make China strong, but also make the world better; we should not only give the Chinese people a sense of happiness, but also make the people of the world live a good life; we should not only benefit the current world, but also benefit the future of the world.