Call for Papers for of Renm in University of China

Sep 04 , 2023

In order to promote the construction of philosophy disciplines and strengthen the exchanges of philosophical peers at home and abroad, the School of Philosophy of Renmin University of China founded the Chinese annual academic journal Philosophers in 2006, which was published by People 's Publishing House. So far, it has published more than ten volumes and has gradually attracted the attention of academic circles at home and abroad. Since 2020, ' Philosophers ' has been published twice a year, entering China National Knowledge Infrastructure ( CNKI ) and the core journal catalogue of the School of Philosophy of Renmin University of China.

In addition to the historical and classical explanatory papers of Marxist philosophy, Chinese philosophy and foreign philosophy, ' philosophers ' pay attention to the combination of history and theory and comparative research, covering ethics, religious philosophy, philosophy of science and technology, aesthetics, logic, management philosophy, political philosophy and other fields. This journal advocates the original research on philosophical issues, respects the philosophical thematic research with detailed data and sufficient argumentation, and encourages the interdisciplinary research of philosophy and other disciplines and the philosophical reflection on major practical problems.

This journal welcomes experts and scholars in the field of philosophy to preside over research topics, welcomes young scholars and doctoral students to contribute actively, and does not accept contributions from authors with master 's degree or below.

The editorial department strictly implements the double-blind review system and eliminates multiple submissions. With the exception of monographs, this journal only accepts manuscripts sent by e-mail. Through the e-mail submission, after receiving the e-mail confirmation, and inform the first review within 3 months. The editorial department will put forward pertinent amendments to the papers decided to adopt.

There is no layout fee for this publication. Once the paper is published, it will be sent to the sample publication and pay the remuneration, and the remuneration will be excellent ; the copyright belongs to the School of Philosophy of Renmin University of China.

Address: 59 Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China, “ Philosopher ”Editorial Department, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China ( Postcode : 1000872 ).

The format requirements of the manuscript:

1. The free paper should be 7,000-12,000 words in length (including bibliography and notes), consisting of the title, author's name, authors unit specific to the college or institute (please mark it with a footnote),abstract (200-300 words), keywords (4-6), and the main body of the paper. At the beginning of the article, provide the official English labeling of the author's unit, the English title of the paper, the English abstract, and the English keywords (Keywords, please note that it should not be written as Key words).

In addition, please indicate the author's contact information (e mail and phone number)for editorial purposes.

2.Contribution notes are always taken as footnotes on the page, and each page is renumbered. The annotations are numbered with Arabic numerals①②③④⑤. The format is “ author, ” book title, translated by a certain person, published by a certain publishing house, a certain year, a certain page. The format of the cited journal article is “author, ” article name ( if the foreign journal article is cited, the book name number is changed to double quotation marks ), a certain translation, a certain year, a certain period ( the specific page number of the foreign journal is required ). The foreign literature adopts the MLA (Modern Language Association) citation format. Please do not use the format of ' references ' provided at the end of the article. If there are images, charts, etc., please provide their PDF documents.

3. After the author 's name, please use the footnote to mark the name, work unit, and the article 's funding information, etc., can also make a brief self-introduction. The font uses the small four, and the paragraph spacing is 1.5 times the line spacing. Citations of four or more lines should be separated and centered, and each line should be empty. Please provide the specific page number of the reference material. Mark the website link, please indicate the last login date. Please use the lower dot or underline where you need to focus in the text. Do not use wide-body characters or italics, and focus should not be too much. In addition, please indicate whether it is from the original citation or from the author of this article. The article section title is marked with Chinese numerals and centered. The first level subsection uses one, two, three, and the second level subsection uses ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ).

4. The format of the keywords is as follows: the Chinese part is separated by two spaces, the English part is separated by a semicolon, and all of them are in lower case except for proper nouns. For example.