Honor the Memory of Mr. Zhong Yuren, Honorary Professor of Renmin University of China

Zhong Yuren - 'Loyalty to the People'

Biography of Professor Zhong Yuren

Prof. Zhong Yu Ren (1926.04-2024.03.02), formerly known as Zhong Shijue, was a native of Linli, Hunan Province. He was a member of the Communist Party of China (CPC), a famous expert in the study of Western philosophy, a translator, and an honorary professor of Renmin University of China.

In September 1945, Zhong was admitted to the Political Science Department of Chongqing Central University. In June of the following year, he was demobilized with the school in Nanjing. Because he was progressive-minded, he entered the political class of North China University in Zhengding in the liberated area of Hebei Province in November 1948, and served as the deputy head of the political class in the Tianjin branch of North China University from March to August 1949.

Prof. Zhong began to learn Russian in Beijing in September 1949, and then enrolled in the Russian teaching and research department of Renmin University of China to pursue postgraduate studies. In April 1951, he became an interpreter and worked as a classroom interpreter for Soviet experts in the Basic Department of Marxism-Leninism and the Department of Philosophy, and was one of the several 'famous interpreters' in the university at that time. in July 1957, he became a member of the faculty, and after two years of lecturing on the history of Marxist Philosophy, he switched to the teaching of the history of Western Philosophy. In 1992, he began to receive special government subsidies.

Prof. Zhong Yuren translated philosophical textbooks, wrote textbooks on the history of Marxist philosophy and the history of European philosophy, and taught graduate students courses on such topics as 'Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit' and 'Hegel's Minor Logic'. He was fluent in Russian, English and German, and translated and published works such as The C ategory of M aterialist Dialectics . He wrote critical articles such as Lenin on Revolutionary Initiative and The Path of the Development of Natural Science in New China , etc. After the 1980s, he focused on the study of European empiricism and rationalism, and soon specialized in German classic philosophy and Contemporary German Philosophy. His major achievements include: editing Volume 3 and Volume 4 of the Critical Biographies of Famous Western Philosophers ; writing A Historical Examination of Empiricism and Rationalism , Hume's Skepticism-A Philosophical Intermediary (co-authored), A Critical Biography of Bernadino Telesio (the Pioneer of Empiricism ) , An Overview of Hegel's Epistemology , and An Initial Exploration of the Practice of Hegel , Theory of Alienation from Hegel to Marx , etc. He was also a member of the writing team of the History of Foreign Philosophy of the Encyclopedia of China - Philosophy Volume , a member of the editorial board of the English-Chinese Dictionary , and the main translator of the History of Dialectic s from the Fourteenth to Eighteenth Centuries .