The International Symposium on “Chinese Modernization: The Perspective of Civilization in the Global Context” was held at Renmin University of China

Nov 27 , 2023

On November 26, the International Academic seminar “Chine modernization: Perspectives of Civilization in the Global Context” was held at Renmin University of China. This conference is co-sponsored by the Institute of Chinese Modernization and New Forms of Civilization of Renmin University of China, the School of Philosophy of Renmin University of China, and the Scientific Research Office of Renmin University of China. Renowned scholars from the Party School of the CPC Central Committee (Chinese Academy of Governance), the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, Minzu University of China, Capital Normal University and other universities, together with scholars from the United States, Germany, Canada, India, Japan, Australia and other countries, discussed the cultural heritage of Chinese modernization and its global significance.

The opening ceremony was presided over by Professor Lin Chen, Director of the Scientific Research Department of Renmin University of China, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Renmin University of China, and Professor Wu Fulai, Ombudsman of the State Supervision Commission to Renmin University of China.   The School of Philosophy of Renmin University of China gives full play to the advantages of the discipline and takes Marxist philosophy as the leading factor to deeply explain the historical logic, theoretical logic and practical logic of Chinese  modernization. This conference is a useful exploration to promote in-depth exchanges between scholars at home and abroad and to promote the study of Chinese modernization and civilization history.

The keynote speech of the first session was presided over by Professor Zang Fengyu, Dean of the School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China. Yang Jinhai, former General Secretary of the Central Compilation and Translation Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Distinguished Professor of the School of Marxism, Tsinghua University; Roland Boer, Professor of the School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China; Chen Shuguang, Associate Dean of the School of Marxism,Party School of the central Committee of CPC(National Academy of Governance); Tairako Tomonaga, Emeritus Professor of the Graduate School of Social Sciences, Hitotsubashi University, Japan; The Recipient of Chinas "National Friendship Award" Professor Mark Levine of the School of Foreign Languages of Minzu University of China, Professor Xie Dikun of the School of Philosophy of Renmin University of China, Professor Gabriel Rockhill of the School of Philosophy of Villanova University, Professor Jennifer Sternad Ponce de Leon of the University of Pennsylvania, President of the Beijing Philosophy Association and Professor Yang Xuegong of the Department of Philosophy of Peking University, spoke successively.

Professor Yang Jinhai discussed the necessity, possibility and method of constructing a new form of human civilization, and believed that capitalist civilization has exposed many ills and evolved into the problem of occasional domination of the world . In order to build a new form of human civilization, Chinese modernization replaces capital logic with people 's logic, builds spiritual civilization and social civilization with the principle of inclusiveness, and promotes common human values such as peaceful development, fairness and justice.

Professor Roland Boer examines the etymology of modernity and modernization, finds the true path of universality on the basis of historical and philosophical analysis, and provides a theoretical explanation for the universality of Chinese modernization. He criticized the Western countries for equating modernization with Westernization, pointing out that this modernization model is only a "false universality" And truly universal modernization embraces historical particularities.

Professor Chen Shuguang spoke on the topic of China 's Rewriting of Modern Civilization. He believes that modern civilization has a strong inertia, mainly from the absolute power of capital logic, which is also the source of the crisis of modernity. Chinese modernization reconstructs the power relationship between capital and people, takes into account the dual values of progress and justice, breaks through the opposition between tradition and modernity, and has implications for the construction of new human civilization.

With the title of “Materialization and Re-materialization, Capital Productivity” Professor Tairako Tomonaga has made a profound interpretation of the world significance of Chinese modernization from the perspective of Marxist text. He believes that the productivity of capital and capitalist production relations are inseparable and integrated together, reflecting the rule of capital over labor. In the transition to the socialist mode of production, the most difficult task is to change from capital productivity to new social productivity.

With the title of "Chinese  Modernization for Common Prosperity" Prof. Mark Levine compares the two approaches to modernization through his personal experience of living in the United States and China. He pointed out that the U.S. government 's economic policy only benefited the rich and was not conducive to the bottom working class. Based on the poverty alleviation policy, Chinese modernization has realized China 's common prosperity.

Professor Xie Dikun, with the title of "Out of the Dilemma of Western Modernization"deeply analyzes the basic problems in the study of modernization from the perspective of the history of world civilization. He believes that modernization includes two levels, one is a highly developed industrial society, and the other is human subjectivity and rational thinking. The basic requirement of Chinese modernization is to achieve high-quality development and enrich the spiritual world of the people.

Professor Gabriel Rockhill, starting from Lenin 's "climber metaphor"points out that Western left-wing scholars believe that socialism does not look like perfect communism, which is not the correct path to climb, and is a manifestation of lack of necessary judgment. The key of socialism lies in practice ; this is a learning process, through continuous trial and error to progress.

Professor Jennifer Sternad Ponce de Leon Leon explores modernization through an introduction to critical theory and imperialism studies in Latin America. She believes that Latin American Marxism criticizes capitalist modernization, and Latin American dependency theory refutes liberal modernization theory, arguing that imperialist modernization contributes to the dependency of underdeveloped peripheral countries.

Professor Yang Xuegong discusses the characteristics of Chinese modernization and its global importance. He pointed out that Chinese modernization has broken through the Western modernization model. It is a modernization with a huge population, a modernization that realizes the common prosperity of all people, and provides a new choice for developing countries. It has world significance in transcending the ‘end of history ’ and eliminating the clash of civilizations '.

The keynote speech of the second period was presided over by Professor Roland Boer of the School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China. Professor Feng Yanli, Associate Dean of the Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ; Professor Zhang Wenxi, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China ; Professor Ali Kadri, National University of Singapore ; Professor Zang Fengyu, Dean of the School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China ; Associate Professor Amir Khan, School of Foreign Languages, Hunan Normal University ; and Professor Hu Heng, Associate Dean of the Research Office, Renmin University of China, made speeches successively.

Professor Feng Yanli explained "How Chine modernization can create a new human civilization" he believed that with the rapid development of capital globalization, capital and ecological civilization cannot be integrated, resulting in ecological crisis. The task of Chine modernization is to create a socialist civilization different from capitalism, which is also an ecological civilization.

Professor Zhang Wenxi analyzed the relationship between Chinese and Western civilizations from the perspective of contradiction analysis and dialectical materialism with the title of "Measuring the Effectiveness of Chinese and Western civilizations". He believes that Chinese civilization focuses on ethics rather than science and technology, and is based more on observation than speculation, and the practice and exploration of Chinese modernization highlights the value of Chinese civilization to go to the world.

Professor Ali Kadri shared the enlightenment of Chinese modernization. He pointed out that China has maintained a rapid growth rate since 1949, and has achieved great development through socialist land reform, industrial development and reform and opening up. Western liberal regimes are not necessarily applicable to the development of third world countries, and third world countries can learn from China 's experience.

Professor Shen Xiangping expounded the practice of civilization with a high degree of principle. He believed that the modernization of Chinese style is a kind of practice with a high degree of principle.  The principles of contemporary Chinese civilization practice include the essence of human-oriented civilization, the humanistic order of civilization, the goal of human 's all-round development, and the world 's mind of civilization symbiosis and mutual learning, which embodies the significance of the world.

Professor Zang Fengyu expounds the civilization connotation of Chinese modernization and its world historical significance. He believes that Chinese modernization is the creative exploration of the Chinese nation to realize the transformation of civilization in the course of world history. It is not only the self-renewal of Chinese civilization in the practice of Chinese revolution, construction and reform, but also the internal transcendence of the crisis of Western modernity and the limits of its civilization.

Associate Professor Amir Khan believes that modernism is a process of liberating individuals from historical forces. Lu Xun, like Shakespeare, opened the liberation of personal imagination, freed China 's imagination from the shackles of feudalism and entered the modern era, making contributions to China 's modernization.

Professor Hu Heng spoke on the theme of the Qing Dynasty as the starting point of Chinese modernization. He believes that the main feature of the Qing Dynasty 's politics is the simple governance of large countries under the constraints of scale, with the four characteristics of ' unified concept, dual-track system, local elites, and pluralistic integration '. Since modern times, this model has begun to transform into a bureaucratic system and a totalitarian government.

The third session was presided over by Dr. Ning Ya, School of History, Renmin University of China. Professor Cheng Guangyun, former Director of the Department of Philosophy, Capital Normal University, Adham Sayed, Institute of East Asian Studies of Zhejiang Gongshang University, Professor Wang Haifeng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Philosophy and Religious Studies of Minzu University of China, Associate Professor Salikyu Sangtam of the Department of Political Science of Tetso College, and Professor Huang Zhijun of the School of Philosophy of Renmin University of China have made speeches.

Professor Cheng Guangyun elaborated on "Chinese modernization under Great changes". He believes that the changes involve technological development, national prosperity and changes in the world pattern. In the midst of great change, Chinese modernization needs to exercise initiative while finding regularities and logic to follow.

Adham Sayed, a researcher, pointed out that Kuznets economics believes that income inequality rises in the early stage of development and naturally declines in the later stage, so the government does not need to intervene. The data shows that is not the case. Capitalism cannot solve the problem of inequality, only socialism with common prosperity can, and China is moving in the right direction.

Professor Wang Haifeng discusses the special significance of Chinese modernization from a multi-ethnic perspective. He believes that China is a multi-ethnic country. Chinese modernization is the modernization process of common prosperity of all ethnic groups and the realization of social and economic development in a unified multi-ethnic country. Chinese modernization has important implications for other multi-ethnic countries.

Associate Professor Salikyu Sangtam points out that modernization is exclusive in the process of constructing a worldview. Since the concept of "All Under Heaven" in the essence of Chinese civilization contains the concept of harmonious coexistence of diverse cultures, there is no binary opposition in the concept of Chinese modernization, and multiple civilizations can coexist harmoniously in the community of human destiny, which is the core of the modernization plan of China.

Professor Huang Zhijun pointed out that Marx has two basic orientations for modern society: progressiveness and vulgarity. The modern world is a completely alienated world, in which the exchange value is the purpose of the world, the inner essence of man is completely empty. This judgment has important practical significance to the process of Chinese modernization.

The keynote speech of the fourth period was chaired by Dr. Yang Cheng, School of Economics, Renmin University of China. Moritz Kuhlmann, Ph.D. at the School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China, discussed Marx 's concept of liberation ' and pointed out that Chinese modernization is a practical exploration guided by Marxism. Alex Witherspoon,  School of Economics and Management of Changsha University, discusses the issue of exploitation and relative poverty, pointing out that relative poverty exists in China, and the rapid development brought about by Chinese modernization has enabled China to avoid the emergence of absolute poverty in the past 20 years. Sreyashi Choudhury , a graduate student of the Silk Road College of the Suzhou Campus of Renmin University of China, compared the social development of China and India, emphasizing the outstanding achievements of Chinese modernization in eliminating poverty. Pan Yan, a doctoral student , Education and Political Economy of Oulu University, and Lind Adrian, a doctoral student in the School of Philosophy of Beijing Normal University, discussed the relationship between postmodernism, capitalist modernity and socialist modernity, and pointed out that socialist modernism is rooted in revolutionary history and people-oriented principles to solve contemporary crises and contradictions.

The closing ceremony of the meeting was chaired by Professor Hu Heng, and Professor Zang Fengyu made a summary speech. Professor Zang Fengyu thanked the participating scholars for their wonderful reports, and pointed out that this conference discussed the theoretical and practical issues of Chinese modernization from the perspective of the comparison of Chinese and Western civilizations. The participating scholars discussed the theoretical connotation, realistic value and world historical significance of Chinese modernization from the perspective of civilization. In the picture of civilization exchange and mutual learning, no culture can completely reject other cultures and exist independently. This view of civilization, which emphasizes inclusiveness, reciprocity, openness and innovation, is deeply reflected in the process of Chinese modernization. Chinese modernization presents a universal feature in the future-oriented practical exploration, which is reflected in the concept, experience and principle of future orientation. It provides Chinese wisdom and Chinese plan to solve the problem of world modernization with the initiative of history. ( Correspondents Jin Yuankai, Chen Yibo )

Reprinted Sources : Guangming Daily Client, Party Building Network, China Social Science Network

Editor-in-Charge : Chen Pengpu