Faculty members of the School of Philosophy participate in the China-Europe Civilization Forum and visit philosophy departments of Italian and French universities

Sep 30 , 2023

From September 17-23, Professor Zang Fengyu, Dean of the School of Philosophy of Renmin University of China, Professor Xu Difei, Associate Professor Alexis Lavis, and Lecturer Gong Zhichong, participated in the China-Europe Civilization Forum and visited the Department of Philosophy of the University of Bologna, the Department of Philosophy of the University of Padua, and the Department of Philosophy of the Sorbonne University in Italy.

In the afternoon of September 18, Professor Zang Fengyu, Professor Xu Difei along with Lecturer Gong Zhichong participated in the forum titled “Culture as a Bridge: The Relevance of Cultural Studies” at the University of Bologna, Italy. Professor Zang delivered a speech entitled “Comparative Philosophy: Contemporary Relevance and Innovative Perspectives”, while Lecturer Gong presented a talk titled “Univerasl Harmony: The Utopia of Modern Confucianism”.

Professor Zang Fengyu, Dean of the School of Philosophy of Renmin University of China, is speaking.

Lecturer Gong ZhiChong, School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China, is speaking.

In the morning of September 19, Dean Zang Fengyu, Professor Xu Difei and Lecturer Gong Zhichong met with Professor Raffaella Campaner, Vice Rector of the University of Bologna, and both sides engaged in a profound exchange on the establishment of the course of “Comparison of Civilizations between China and Italy” and the related cooperation.

Dean Zang Fengyu is presenting Vice President Raffaella Campaner with “The Annual Rings of Our Philosophy”.

In the afternoon of the 19th, Dean Zang Fengyu and his delegation visited the Department of Philosophy of Bologna and held a meeting with Professor Giovanni Matteucc, Dean of the Department of Philosophy, Professor Matteo Martelli, Deputy Dean of the Department of Philosophy, and Professor Filippo Del Lucchese. Both sides conducted in-depth discussions surrounding the continuation of faculty and student exchanges, as well as the signing of a memorandum of cooperation.

In the morning of September 20, Dean Zang Fengyu and his delegation visited the Department of Philosophy of the University of Padua, where they met with Professor Vincenzo Milanesi, former Rector of the University of Padua, and the Heads of the Department of Philosophy, Professor Egidio Robusto, Professor Antonio Da Re, Professor Giuseppe Giordan, Professor Andrea Altobrando, Professor Andrea Altobrando, Professor Luca Basso, etc. held a meeting. The two sides had an in-depth discussion on the continuation of the exchange of teachers and students, the renewal of the cooperation agreement, and the joint construction of the course “Comparison of Chinese and Italian Civilizations”.

In the afternoon of the 21st, the third sub-forum of the “China-Europe Civilization Forum: Mutual Enlightenment of Multiple Civilizations and the Development of Global Civilization”, “China-Europe Philosophy Comparison and Civilization Dialogue”, organized by the School of Philosophy of Renmin University of China and the Research Center for the Study of Philosophical Development in Contemporary China, was held at the KEDGE Business School , France. The forum was chaired by Dean Zang Fengyu, and reports were delivered by Associate Professor Alexis Lavis of the School of Philosophy of Renmin University of China, Lecturer Gong Zhichong of the School of Philosophy of Renmin University of China, Professor Jean-Cassien Billy of the Department of Philosophy of the Sorbonne University, Fabrice Myrdal, founder of the RESO Research Society of France, and Dr. Chen Dongxing of the Department of Philosophy of the Sorbonne University.

In the morning of September 22, Dean Zang Fengyu and his delegation visited the Department of Philosophy of Sorbonne University and held a meeting with Professor Carole TALON-HUGON, Deputy Dean of the Department of Philosophy. The meeting had an in-depth discussion on the continuation of teacher-student exchanges between the two sides, the signing of a memorandum of cooperation, and the joint construction of courses.

During the visit in France, Dean Zang Fengyu, Associate Professor Alexis Lavis, and Lecturer Gong Zhichong visited the French publisher Serf.