Zhang Zhiwei


Personal profile

Zhang Zhiwei, Ph. D, is a professor and a doctoral supervisor of the School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China. He is also a Distinguished Scholar and Specially-Appointed Professor of Renmin University of China, and an expert enjoying special government allowances of the State Council. Additionally, he serves as the chairman of the All-China Association for the History of Foreign Philosophy. Professor Zhang has received multiple teaching awards from Beijing Municipality and the Ministry of Education.

His research focuses on the history of Western philosophy, Metaphysics, and German philosophy. Among the undergraduate courses what he teaches are “History of Western Philosophy”“Western Philosophy: Tradition, Classics, and Methods”. For graduate students, he offers courses such as “Research on Issues in Western Philosophy”, “Selected Readings of German Philosophy”, “Special Topics on German Philosophy”, “Special Topics on Phenomenology”, and “Selected Readings of Martin Heidegger’s Philosophy”.

Professor Zhang’s representative works include Kant's Moral Worldview , Historical Evolution of Metaphysics (editor-in-chief), History of Western Philosophy (editor-in-chief), History of Political Philosophy (Seven Volumes) (editor-in-chief), Wisdom of Western Philosophy (editor-in-chief), and Fifteen Lectures on Western Philosophy .