He Jianming


Personal profile

He Jianming, male, born in Qichun County, Huanggang City, Hubei Province in 1965. Bachelor of Philosophy from Wuhan University (1986), Master's degree (1989), and PhD in History from Central China Normal University (1997). Promoted to professor in January 1999 and appointed as a doctoral supervisor in June 2001. Formerly served as a professor at the Institute of Modern Chinese History at Central China Normal University. He is now a professor in the School of Philosophy and the Institute of Buddhism and Religious Theory of Renmin University of China. Since 2020, he has served as the Vice President and Executive Director of the National Laozi Daoist Culture Research Association.

Published academic monographs:

1. "The Historical Transformation of Taoist Thought" (1997), published by Central China Normal University Press.

2. "Modern Adjustment of Buddhist Concepts" (1998), Guangdong People's Publishing House.

3. "Macau Buddhism: A History of the Relationship between Macau and Mainland Buddhist Culture in the Past Century" (1999), published by Religious Culture Press.

4. "A History of Buddhist Thought in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China" (2001), published by Fo Guang Culture Press in Taiwan.

5. "Taoism in the Sui and Tang Dynasties" (co authored with Li Dahua and Li Gang) (2004, revised edition 2011), published by People's Publishing House.

6. "Humanistic Buddhism and Modern Buddhism in Hong Kong and Macau" (Part One and Part Two) (2006), published by New World Press in Hong Kong.

7. "Chen Zhixu's Study Case" (2011), Qilu Book Society.

8. "Research on the History of Religious Culture in Modern China" (Part One and Part Two) (2015), Beijing Normal University Press.

Recently edited academic papers:

In 2015, he was the editor in chief of "Compilation of Chinese Local Buddhist and Taoist Literature" (1039 volumes), published by the National Library Press.

Since 2017, he has been the editor in chief of "Daozang Integration" (Volumes 1-15), published by China Bookstore Press.

Since 2018, he has been the editor in chief of the "Journal of Taoist Studies" (a semi annual publication), which is published by the Social Science Literature Press. It has published a total of five issues from 2018 to 2020.

Since 2019, he has been the editor in chief of "Research on Laozi Dao Culture" (a semi annual publication), which is published by the Social Science Literature Press. It has been published in two issues from 2019 to 2020.

Recently undertaken major projects:

Since 2007, I have been leading and undertaking the major project "Research on the Academic History of Modern Buddhism in China" at the Key Research Base of the Ministry of Education.

From 2011 to 2016, served as the chief expert of the National Philosophy and Social Science Fund's major research project "Compilation of Chinese Local Buddhist and Taoist Literature (before 1949)".

Since 2016, served as the chief expert of the National Philosophy and Social Science Fund's major research project "Multi volume History of Modern Buddhism in China (1912 present)" (2016).

Recent awards:

In 2014, "Research on the History of Modern Chinese Religious Culture" (top and bottom) was selected for the "National Philosophy and Social Science Achievement Library".

In 2017, won the first prize for outstanding achievements in philosophy and social sciences in Beijing.

In 2020, won the second prize for outstanding achievements in humanities and social sciences in the 8th National Higher Education Institutions.