Wang Yujie


Personal profile

Prof./ Dr. Wang Yujie(Ms.) is Professor of Islamic Studies. She graduated from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(CASS) with a Ph.D in 1999. From 1999 to 2013, she worked in the Department of Islamic Studies at the Institute of World Religions, CASS. She joined School of Philosophy in 2013, where she served as the Associate Dean of the School from 2016 to 2023. She is the Consultant to State Administration of Religious Affairs (SARA), and Board Member of Chinese Society of Middle East Studies and Chinese Society of Religious Studies.

Prof. Wang Yujie specializes on Islamic Studies, especially in contemporary Islamic issues and sectarianism in Middle East. She has been offering a number of courses for undergraduate, master's and doctoral students of RUC, including History and Thought of Islam , Study of Classic Islamic Thought , Selected Reading of Islamic Classics , and Religion and Contemporary Society .

Professor Wang Yujie is the author of Religion and State: Shi ’ ism in Contemporary World , Studies on Contemporary Islamic Thought, co-author of Religion and Contemporary Chinese Society, and translator of several books, including Who Speaks for Islam, World Religions, Islamic World Empires etc..