Zhang  Fenglei


Personal profile

Sept. 1984-Jul. 1988: B.A.,Department of Philosophy, Peking University

Sept. 1988-Jul. 1991: M.A.,Department of Philosophy, Peking University

Sept. 1991-Jul. 1994: Ph.D,Department of Philosophy, Renmin University of China

Jul. 1994-Jun. 1996: Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Renmin University of China.

Jun. 1996-Jun. 2001: Associate Professor & Chief of the Teaching and Research Section for Religious Theory, Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies, Renmin University of China.

Jun.2001-: Professor, Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies, Remin University of China.

Sept. 2000-: Vice Dean,Active Dean,Dean of the Institute for the Study of Buddhism and Religious Theory, Renmin University of China, which is one of the Key Research Bases of National Humanities and Social Sciences established by Ministry of Education, P.R.China.

Courses and Academic Interests :

1. Study on T’ien-t’ai School of Chinese Buddhism

2. History of Chinese Buddhism

3. Selected Readings of Chinese Buddhist Classics

4. The Relationship Between Chinese Buddhist Philosophy & Chinese Traditional Culture

Books Written :

1. A Commentary On Chih-I’s Buddhist philosophy , Vol.⑤ of “Chinese Buddhist Academic Works” , Buddhist Darmar Library , Fo-guang-shan Culture and Education Foundation, Gaoxiong,Taiwan, 01/2001;

2. A Critical Biography of Chih-I , Jinghua Press, Beijing, 09/1995.

Books Co-written:

1. Studies on Buddhism, Contemporary World Press, Beijing, 06/2000;

2. A New Introduction to the History of Chinese Philosophy , Renmin University Press, Beijing, First Edition,06/2007; Second Edition,01/2012.

Journal edited in chief:

Rgligion Studies, Beijing:China Religious Culture Publisher.