Liu Yongmou


Personal profile


Liu Yongmou

School of Philosophy

Renmin University of China

Beijing 1000872, China

Telephone: +86-10-82502653



Liu Yongmou is a professor of School of Philosophy and the Chair of Department of Philosophy of Science and Technology in Remin University of China, Beijing.

He had been a visiting scholar in the Department of Science History of Harvard University (2010-2011), USA, a visiting professor in the Department of Philosophy of Utrecht University (2015), Netherlands and in the Department of Philosophy and Logic of the University of Basque Country (2015-2016), Spain, Colorado School of Mines (2019), USA, Soborne University (2019), France.

He is the managing director of the Society of Natural Dialectics of China (中国自然辩证法研究会), chief director of Division Committee Youth Researchers of Society for Natural Dialectics of China, vice chief director of Division Committee Science, Technology and Public Policy (STPP) for Natural Dialectics of China, director of Society for Natural Dialectics of Beijing (北京自然辩证法研究会).

His work focuses on philosophy of science and technology, issues in Science, Technology and Society (STS) and STPP.

Research Issues:

1. Theoretic issues: Neo Philosophy of Science in China; alternative philosophy of science (such as knowledge theory especially science philosophy of Michel Foucault, Richard Rorty, Paul Feyerabend, Frankfort School; knowledge and power; Michel Foucault’s philosophy; some philosophy of technology (such as Thorstein Veblen, Andrew Feenberg and Neil Postman)

2. Applicative issues: theory of technocracy; technocracy and contemporary China; issues of the Internet, IoT (the Internet of Things), Big Data and AI in China.


2024 Wu Yuzhang chair professor of Renmin University of China(中国人民大学吴玉章讲席教授)

2016 Oustanding Scholars Program of Renmin University of China (中国人民大学首批杰出人文学者)

2013 Humanities and Social Sciences Excellent Achievement Award of Chinese Colleges and Universities 教育部(中国高校人文社科优秀成果奖)

2012 Program for New Century Excellent Talents in Chinese University (教育部新世纪人才计划)

2012 Wu Yuzhang Humanities and Social Sciences Excellent Achievement Award (吴玉章人文社科优秀成果奖)

2008 National Defense Science and Technology Progress Award (工信部国防科技进步奖)

2007 National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award (全国优秀博士学位论文奖)

Working and Education Experience

2015.12-2016.01 Visiting Professor in Basque Country University

2015.01-02, Visiting Professor in Utrecht Universty

2014.07- , full professor in the Renmin University of China

2011.09-2014.07, associate professor in the Renmin University of China

2010.09-2011.09, visiting scholar of Depertment of History of Science in Harvard University

2009.08-2010.09, associate professor in the Renmin University of China

2008.03-2010.06, parttime postdoctor of Management Science and Engineering in the Beijing Institute of Technology

2005.06-2009.08, lecturer, associate professor in the Beijing Institute of Technology

2002.09-2005.06, a student in the Renmin University of China, major: philosophy of science and technology, Ph.D., doctor’s thesis: Foucault ’ s Journey of Deconstruction of Subject: From the Archaeology of Knowledge to “ the Death of Man ”

1999.09-2002.09, a student in the Central South University, major: philosophy of science and technology, M.A., master's thesis: The Value in Science

1994.06-1999.09, an environment engineer in the Changsha Silencer Company

1991.09-1994.06, a student in the Xiangtan University, major: environment engineering and management

Selected Publications

◄Foreign language papers

1. LIU Yongmou. The Benefit of Technocracy in China, Issues in Science and Technology , 2016 Fall, 33(1). Russia edition pulished in 2018.

2. LIU Yongmou. American Technocracy and Chinese Response: Theories and Practices of Chinese Export Politics in the Period of the Nanjing Government, 1927-1949, Technology in Society ,vol.43, November 2015. Russia edition published in 2019.

3. LIU Dachun, LIU Yongmou. A Reflection on the Alternative Philosophy of Science[J], Front. Philos. China , 2009, 4(4).

4. LIU Yongmou, WANG Hao. Zhuangzi’s Play and Ecological Politics: An Integration of Humanity, Nature, and Power, Enviromental Ethics , 2018, Vol.40, Issue 1: 21-39.

5. Yongmou Liu, Lishan Lan, Qin Zhu. Technocracy, in Armin Grunwald, Rafaela, edit., Handbuch zur Technikethik , Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland, 2021

6. лю юнмоу. преимущЕСТВА ТЕХОКРАТИИ ВКИТАЕ, Bulletin Of PNRPU Culture History Philosophy Law, 2018(2)

7. лю юнмоу. Технократия в США и Китае. Технологос/Technologos, 2019(2)

8. Yongmou Liu, The Uprising of the Chinese Language in a Technological Age, Technology and Languag e, 2020(1)

9. Yongmou Liu, Carl Mitcham, Alfred Nordmann: Corona Perspectives: Philosophical Lessons from a Pandemic, in Alexander Friedrich, Petra Gehring, Christoph Hubig, Andreas Kaminski, Alfred Nordmann (ed.). Jahrbuch Technikphilosophie 2021 , Baden-Baden:Nomos 2021, pp.304-307.

10. Lan, L., Zhu, Q., & Liu, Y. (Oct., 2021). The rule of virtue: A Confucian response to the ethical challenges of technocracy. Science and Engineering Ethics . 27(5)

11. Li Tong, Liu Yongmou,The Development of Philosophy of Engineering in China: Engaging the Scholarship of Carl Mitcham, in Glen Miller, Helena Mateus Jeronimo, Qin Zhu: Thinking through Science and Technology: Philosophy, Religion and Politics in an Engineered World , Lanham, Boulder, New York, London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2023

12.Yongmou Liu, Taicheng Tan: Technical Governance in Contemporary China: Presenting the “Reconsideration Approach”, in R. F. Clancy, Qin Zhu, Xiaofeng Tang (ed.): China, Engineering, and Ethics: A Sketch of The Landscape , Springer, 2024.

◄Books and chapters

1. LIU Yongmou. Minerva in Action: Power Dimension of Contemporary Knowledge Activity (行动中的密涅瓦:当代认知活动的权力之维), Chengdu: Press of Southwest Jiaotong University Press, 2014.

2. LIU Yongmou. Michel Foucault ’ s Journey of Deconstruction of Subject: From the Archaeology of Knowledge to “ the Death of Man ” (福柯的主体解构之旅:从知识考古学到“人之死”), Nanjing: People’s Press of Jiangsu, 2009.

3. LIU Yongmou, WANG Xingbin. Alerting Chinese: Study on Chen Du Xiu (警醒中国人:走近陈独秀), Beijing: Society Press of China, 2005.

4. LIU Yongmou. Breeding Master: Yuan Longping, Li Zhensheng (育种大师:袁隆平、李振声), Beijing: Technology and Science Press of China, 2012.

5. YE Meilan, LIU Yongmou. I nternet of Thing and the Forthcoming of Ubiquitous Society (物联网与泛在社会的来临), Beijing: Social Sciences Press of China, 2015.

6. LIU Dachun, LIU Yongmou. Offence & Deffence of Thought: Rising & Evolvement of the Alternative Philosophy of Science (思想的攻防:另类科学哲学的兴起和演化), Beijing: Press of Renmin University of China, 2010.

7. LIU Yongmou, ZHONG Rongbin, XIA Xueying. An Introduction to Self-innovation and Constructing Innovation-oriented C ountry (自主创新与建设创新型国家导论), Beijing: Red Flag Press, 2006。

8. LIU Yongmou, etc. Crazy Ideas of Contemporary Philosophers (哲人疯语:当代西方哲学思想中的奇谈怪论), Chengdu: Press of Southwest Jiaotong University Press, 2015.

10. LIU Yongmou. Favorite Philosophy Stories (最受读者喜欢的哲学故事), Beijing: Guangming Daily Press, 2007, 2012.

11. LIU Yongmou. Science, Technology and Alienation, in LIU Dachun, etc. Reconsideration: Theory of Science and Technology of Karl Marx and the Research of Contemprory Philosophy of Science and Technology (审度:马克思科学技术观与当代科学技术论研究), Beijing: Press of Renmin University of China, 2017.

12. LIU Dachun, LIU Yongmou. The Rising and Reconsideration of Alternative Philosophy of Science, in LIU Dachun, etc. History of Branch Philosophy of Science (分殊科学哲学史), Beijing: Editting and Translating Press, 2017.

13. LIU Dachun, LIU Yongmou: 8. Neo Philosophy of Science, 9. Anti-Scientism Philosophy of Science, in LIU Dachun, etc. History of General Philosophy of Science (一般科学哲学史), Beijing: Editting and Translating Press, 2016.

14. LIU Yongmou. Philosophy of Science, in LIU Dachun, LIU Jingyang ed. Classic Reader of Philosophy of Science and Technology (科学技术哲学经典读本), Beijing: Press of Renmin University of China, 2011.

15. LIU Dachun, HE Lisong, LIU Yongmou. Introdution of Modern Science and Technology (现代科技导论), Beijing: Press of Renmin University of China, 2009.

◄Selected Chinese papers

1. LIU Yongmou. Governance, Anti-Governance, and Re-Governance of Technology(技术治理、反治理与再治理), Social Sicences of Yunnan , 2019(2) .

2. LIU Yongmou. The Western People’s Stereotype of Technocracy (试析西方民众对技术治理的成见), Journal of Renmin University of China , 2019(5).

3. LIU Yongmou. Philosophical Reflection of Technocracy (技术治理的哲学反思). Jianghai Xuekan , 2018(4).

4. LIU Yongmou. The Scientific Operation of High Energy Society: On the Technocracy Theory of Howard Scott(高能社会的科学运行:斯科特技术治理思想述评), Research of Philosophy of Science and Technology , 2019(1).

5. LIU Yongmou, CHEN Xiangyu. On Ethical Debates of Converging Cognitive Enhancement (会聚认知增强的伦理争论). Scoial Science in Zhejiang , 2018(5).

6. LIU Yongmou, LAN Lishan. Big Data and Technocracy (大数据与技术治理). Jinyang Academic Journal , 2018(2).

7. LIU Yongmou, LAN Lishan. Issues of ICT Technocracy in Ubiquitous Society (泛在社会信息化技术治理的若干问题). Philosophy Analysis , 2017(5).

8. LIU Yongmou, LI Pei. Science, Technology and Society Governance: Reconsidering American Technocracy Movement (科学技术与社会治理:北美技术治理运动兴衰与反思). Science and Society , 2017(2).

9. LIU Yongmou, ZHANG Kang. Ecological Utopia of Zhuangzi (庄子的生态理想国). Journal of Liaoning Insititute of Technology, 2017(2).

10. LIU Yongmou. Andrew Feeberg’s Criticism of Technocracy (安德鲁.芬伯格论技治主义). Journal of Dialectics of Nature , 2017(1).

11. LIU Yongmou. F.A. Hayek’s Criticism on Technocracy and Its Revelation (哈耶克对技治主义的若干批评及启示). Scoial Sciences in Tianjin , 2017(1).

12. LIU Yongmou. Technocraticism: Offences and Deffences (技术治理主义:批评与辩护). Guangming Daily , 20/02/2017.

13. LIU Yongmou. On Carl Popper’s Piecemeal Social Engeering (论波普尔渐进的社会工程). Studies in Philosophy of Science and Technology , 2017(1).

14. LIU Yongmou. Logics of Technocracy (技术治理的逻辑). J ournal of Renmin University of China , 2016(6).

15. LIU Yongmou, ZHANG Kang. Reflecting Science Debates: Ullica Segerstrale’s Philosophy of Science and its Value (反思科学发展:舍格斯特尔的科学技术论). J ournal of Shangrao Normal College , 2016(4).

16. LIU Yongmou, QIU Zhou.Attempting Discussion of Relationship between the Technocracy and Contemporary China (技治主义与当代中国关系刍议). Journal of Changsha Institute of Technology , 2016(5).

17. LIU Yongmou, LI Pei. Mystery of Consciousness: New Progress of Philosophy of Mind (意识之谜:心灵哲学的新进展). Journal of Luoyang Normal College , 2016(4).

18. ZHAO Junhai, LIU Yongmou. Alienation of Man and its Redemption in Megamachine Age: Lewis Mumford’s Humanities Philosophy of Machine (“巨机器”时代人的异化及其救赎:简论刘易斯.芒福德人文主义机器哲学思想). Studies in Natural Dialectics , 2016(2).

19. LIU Yongmou. Designing Computer: Andrew Feenberg’s Critical Theory of Computer (设计计算机:芬伯格的计算机批判理论), Studies in Philosophy of Science and Technology , 2015(4).

20. LIU Yongmou. On Theoretic Innovation of Joseph Rouse’s Practical Philosophy of Science (论约瑟夫.劳斯科学实践哲学的理论创新). Stuides in Natural Dialectics , 2014(4).

21. LIU Yongmou. On Groupism Turning of Theory of Knowledge (论知识论的群体主义转向). Philosophy Research , 2014(3).

22. LIU Yongmou. Soviet of Technician: Thorstein Veblen on Technocracy (“技术人员的苏维埃”:凡勃伦论技治主义思想述评). Journal of Natural Dialectics , 2014(4).

23. LIU Yongmou. Neil Postman’s Criticism of Technocracy (尼尔.波兹曼论技治主义). Studies in Philsophy of Science and Technology , 2013(6)。

24. LIU Yongmou. On Four Traditions of Research on the Relationship Between Knoledge and Power (论知识的权力研究的四大传统). Social Sciences in Tianjin , 2013(5).

25. LIU Yongmou, CHEN Xuguang. Scale-free Networks versus Star Networks: the Topology of the Internet of Things and its Social Impacts (无标度网络VS星状网络:物联网拓扑结构及其社会影响). Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications , 2013(2).

26. LIU Yongmou. Research Review of Science, Technology and Public Policy (科学、技术与公共政策研究述评), Journal of Renmin University of China , 2013(8).

27. LIU Yongmou, WU Linhai, YE Meilan. Post-modern Condition of Ubiquitous Society: Reality, Knowledge and Subject (泛在社会的后现代状况: 实在、知识与主体). Teaching and Research , 2013(5).

28. LIU Yongmou, ZHAO Junhai. What Technology Wants: Kevin Kelly’s Philosophy of Technology (技术想要什么:凯文.凯利技术哲学述评). Journal of Liaoning Institute of Technology , 2013(2).

29. LIU Yongmou, ZHAO Junhai. Tentative Study on the Differences between Logical Positivism and Logical Empiricism (逻辑实证主义与逻辑经验主义差别探微). Journal of Liaoning Institute of Technology , 2012(4).

30. LIU Yongmou, WU Linhai, YE Meilan. Internet of Things, Ubiquitous Network and Forthcoming of the Ubiquitous Society (物联网、泛在网与泛在社会的来临). Socialism with Chinese Characters , 2012(6).

31. LIU Yongmou: Michelle Foucault’s Deconstruction of Modern Human (福柯对现代人的解构). Journal of Changsha Institute of Technology , 2012(6).

32. YE Meilan, LIU Yongmou, WU Linhai. Risk of the Internet of Thing and Dilemma of Modernity (物联网风险与现代性的困惑). Social Sciences Journal , 2012(5).

33. LIU Yongmou. Breeding Master’s Characters and Innovation: Yuan Longping and Li Zhenshen (袁隆平、李振声两位育种大师的品格与创新), Talent , 2012(2).

34. LIU Yongmou: Non-Science is also Important (非科学也有重要价值). Environment and Life , 2012, Z1(2-3).

35. LIU Yongmou. On Technocracy: Thorstein Veblen as an Example (论技治主义:以凡勃伦为例). Philosophy Research , 2012(3).

36. LIU Yongmou. Thorstein Veblen’s Theory on Science and Technology (知识进化与工程师治国:凡勃伦的科学技术论). Journal of East China Normal University , 2012(2).

37. LIU Yongmou. Machine and Rule: Power Dimension of Marx’s Theory of Science and Technology (机器与统治:马克思科学技术论的权力之维). Studies in Philosophy of Science and Technology , 2012(1)

38. LIU Yongmou. Totalitarianism ot Democracy: the Preference of the Internet of Things and its Risk (民主与极权:物联网的偏好与风险). Studies in Natural Dialectics , 2012(5).

39. LIU Yongmou, WU Linhai. Essence, Risks and Countermeasures of the Internet of Things (物联网的本质、风险与应对). Journal of Renmin University of China , 2011(4).

40. LIU Yongmou. Media Coding VS Society Controlling: On Philosophy of Information of Neil Postman (媒介编码VS社会控制:尼尔.波兹曼的信息论). Studies in Natural Dialectics , 2011(9).

41. LIU Yongmou, WU Linhai, YE Meilan. Several Issues on Social Impact of the Internet of Things (物联网社会冲击的若干思考). Journal of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications , 2011(1).

42. LIU Yongmou, HOU Guangming. Innovation Method of Breeding Master’s Decision Making of Research (育种大师科研决策者的创新方法研究). Soft Sciences in China , 2010(9).

43. LIU Yongmou. Media Technology and Cultural Transformation: Neil Postman on Technology (媒介技术与文化变迁:尼尔.波兹曼论技术). Social Sciences in Tianjin , 2010(6).

44. LIU Yongmou. Mean and Reconsideration: Susan Haack’s Science Study (中道与审度:苏珊.哈克科学论及其价值). Study in Philosophy of Science and Technology , 2010(5).

45. LIU Yongmou, HOU Guangming. Innovation Character of Yuan Longping and Li Zhensheng (“南袁北李”的创新型人格). Guangming Daily, 09/08/2010.

46. LIU Yongmou. Methodology Research of Innovation Method Research (创新方法研究的方法论). Development and Countermeasure of Science and Technology , 2010(7)

47. LIU Yongmou. Innovation in Issues Change (问题流变中的创新). Philosopher , 2009(4).

48. LIU Yongmou. Study of Michelle Foucault from the Perspective of Philosophy of Science (科学哲学视野中的福柯研究). Journal of Renmin University of China , 2010(1).

49. LIU Dachun, LIU Yongmou. On Alternative Philosophy of Science (关于另类科学哲学的思考). Journal of Renmin University of China , 2008(3).

50. LIU Yongmou, ZHANG Jianjun. Structure and Function of Military Industry Culture (军工文化的结构与功能). Military Industry Culture , 2008(1).

51. LIU Yongmou, XIA Xueying. Innovating Problem Manner of Humanities and Social Sciences (创新人文社会科学问题方式). Journal of Zhuzhou College of Technology , 2007(2).

52. LIU Yongmou, SONG Wei. Rereading Michelle Foucault (重读福柯). Journal of Heibei University , 2006(4).

53. LIU Yongmou. The Condition and Revolution of the Modern Man: A Review of Michelle Foucault’s Hominology (奴役与解放:福柯人学述评).Journal of Renmin University of China, 2006(6).

Eglsih Lectures Abroad

1. (1) Historical Discussions of Technocracy: A Chinese Perspective, (2)New Dimensions for Understanding Technocracy: A Chinese Perspective, Colorado School of Mines, August, 2019.

2. Technocracy and its Reconstruction in Contemporary China, University of North Texas, USA, September, 2017.

3. The View of JUNZI and Needham Problem: A Kind of Ideal Types Analysis, University of North Texas, USA, September, 2017.

4. A Simple history of Technocracy and Technocratism, Colorado School of Mines, USA, September, 2017.

5. Scientists, Engineers, and Politics: Perspectives from China, Technocracy and its Reconstruction in Contemporary China, Colorado School of Mines, USA, September, 2017.

6. The Ecological Utopia of Zhuangzi: From the Perspective of Ecological Politics, Utrecht University, Netherlands, January, 2016.

7. On Four Traditions of Power Research of Knowledge, Department of Philosophy in University of the Basque Country, Spain, February, 2015.

8. View of Junzi and Backward of Chinese Science and Technology Development, Department of Philosophy in Utrecht University, Netherlands, January, 2015.

9. Internet and Human Dignity, Institute of Applying Ethics in Utrecht University, Netherlands, August, 2013.

10. Preliminary Exploration on Social Impacts of Internet of Things (IoT) and Countermeasures, Department of History of Science in Harvard University, USA, May, 2011.

Teaching Courses

1. Philosophy of Science and Technology

2. Philosophy of Science

3. Study of Science, Technology and Society

4. Knowledge, Science and Power

About Renmin University – “Yale University in China”

Renmin University of China is one of the top research-oriented universities in China, focusing on arts and humanities as well as embracing disciplines of natural sciences. It is the first modern university founded by People’s Republic of China. Currently, RUC has developed a multidimensional and multilevel teaching and research structure and enjoys integrated advantage in terms of arts and humanities, social sciences, education and research. And philosophy of Renmin University is always ranked in top 1 or 2 in China.