Wang Xiaowei 


Personal profile

Wang Xiaowei holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Utrecht University and is currently an associate professor at Renmin University of China, specializing in the philosophy of technology and science.

Main research areas:

My primary research areas include the philosophy of science and technology, Science and Technology Studies (STS), and technology ethics. I serve as an executive member of the council of the Chinese Society for Philosophy of Science and Technology and as Director of the Youth Working Committee. Additionally, I am an editorial board member for the "Journal of Responsible Research and Innovation," "Philosophers," and "Research on Technology Ethics." My recent publications include "The Depths of Everyday Life: How Everyday Objects Have Changed Our Lives" and "Intentionality of Technology and Modern Technological Governance." I have also co-edited "Harmonious Technology: A Confucian Ethics of Technology" with Pak-Hang Wong.

My work aims to transcend the instrumentalist view of technology by integrating resources from traditional Chinese Confucian philosophy, offering novel insights into the essence of technology.

Recent research interests have primarily focused on the phenomenology of technology, with a particular emphasis on research in the Dutch school of phenomenological philosophy of technology. Additionally, I have long tracked research in engineering ethics both domestically and internationally and have contributed to writing "The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Engineering."

Main courses taught:

Courses taught by me include the history of science and technology in China and abroad, an introduction to dialectical materialism, lectures on the integration and innovation of PPE (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics), and specialized English courses in the philosophy of technology.