Peng Xinwu


Personal profile

Peng Xinwu, born in Zhangxian, Gansu Province, is a professor and doctoral supervisor at Renmin University of China, where he also serves as the Director of the Management Philosophy Research Center. He is also a researcher at the International Institute of Chinese Studies at Aichi University, a researcher at the School of Business at Seoul National University, a director of the Chinese Society of Shixue, and the chief expert at the Qilu Institute of Economics. Selected into the "100 Beijing New Century Social Science Theoretical Talents Project" (2007) and the "Program for New Century Excellent Talents supported by Ministry of Education " (2011), he is mainly engaged in research work in the fields of management philosophy, national governance, history of Chinese and Western management thought, social development theory, evolution theory, complexity science and other fields. He has published more than 100 relevant academic papers in publications such as "Philosophical Research", "Sociological Research", "Political Science Research", "Guangming Daily", "People's Daily" and other publications, and published more than ten books. He has presided over several major research topics funded by the National Social Science Foundation and the Ministry of Education.