Luo Qian


Personal profile

Luo Qian, male, born in July 1974, from Anlong, Guizhou, with a doctorate in philosophy, is currently the Distinguished Dean of the School of Marxism at Yunnan University, a professor at the School of Philosophy of Renmin University of China, a doctoral supervisor. He used to be the director of the Marxist Philosophy Teaching and Research Office of the School of Philosophy of Renmin University of China, the deputy director of the Research Center of Political Philosophy, a visiting scholar at the Department of Politics and International Relations of Oxford University, and a "Young Distinguished Scholar of Humanities" of Renmin University of China. His main research fields are Marxist philosophy, foreign Marxism, and political philosophy. He independently completed two National Social Science Fund projects, participated in many major projects of the National Social Science Fund and the Social Science Fund of the Ministry of Education, co-authored many books, and published more than 100 papers, and Published academic monographs: (2022)The Power of Traversing Time and Space - Marxist Critical Theory and Its Contemporary Significance.Beijing: People's Publishing House. (2019) Transcendence and Freedom:The Social-Historical Phenomenology of possible-being. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press. (2019) Greeting Marx. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press. (2019) Ontological Critique of Modernity: On Marx's Modernity Critique and Its Contemporary Significance(2nd Ed).Beijing: People's Publishing House. (2014) Farewell to Speculative Ontology: The Category of Being in Historical Materialism. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press. (2014) Facing Existence and Transcending Actual Existence - Contemporary Interpretation of Historical Materialism. Beijing: People's Publishing House. (2014)Towards Constructive Politics - Research on Postmodern Political Philosophy from the Perspective of Historical Materialism. Shanghai: East China Normal University Press. (2007)On Marx's Modernity Critique and Its Contemporary Significance. Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House.