Wen Haiming 


Personal profile

Professor Haiming Wen received his Ph.D. in comparative philosophy from the University of Hawaii in 2006. He is now a professor at the School of Philosophy, Renmin (People’s) University of China (RUC), and the Beijing Center (TBC, since 2007).

He is Associate Director of the Nishan World Center for Confucian Studies; Associate Directors of the Committee for Scholarship and Committee for Membership of International Confucian Association (ICA); Special Expert of the Confucius Research Institute and Shandong Taishan Scholar; Director of the Center for Studies of the Yijing (the Book of Changes ) at the School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China and the Academy of Confucian Studies, Nishan World Center for Confucian Studies; Associate Editors-in-Chief of the journals Studies of Confucianism ( Kongzi yanjiu ) and Confucian Academy ( Kongxuetang ).

Professor Wen has taught classes in Chinese including: History of Chinese Philosophy, Seminars on the Book of Changes , Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism, Confucian Classics, Comparative Philosophy, etc. In English, classes include: Introduction to the Book of Changes ; Traditional Chinese Philosophy, Buddhism, and Comparative Religions and Cultures.

Professor Wen has published about 10 books in both English and Chinese, including Illuminating the New Version of the Ancient Treatise on the Book of Changes and the Unity of Three Continuities (Zhouyi Cantongqi) and Its Intentionality 新古本周易参同契明意(Shanghai Shanlian Press, 2022); Illuminating Intentionality Through the Platform Sutra 坛经明意(Religious Culture Press, 2021); C omparative Context and Chinese Philosophy 比较境遇与中国哲学(Renmin (People’s) Press, 2020); Illuminating Intentionality Through the Zhouyi: New Explorations of the Philosophy of the Book of Changes 周易明意:周易哲学新探(Peking University Press, 2019); Illuminating Daodejing and Its Intentionality 道德经明意(Chinese Social Academy Press, 2019); Making Intentions Concrete: Dimensions of Confucian Ethics 儒家实意伦理学 (RUC Press, 2014); and two in English: Confucian Pragmatism as the Art of Contextualizing Personal Experience and World (Lexington, 2009); and Chinese Philosophy (Cambridge University Press, 2012).

He has edited and co-edited some 40 books, including: Living Chinese Philosophy 生生的中国哲学 (with Tian Chenshan, People’s Press, 2021); A Teachers’ Reader of the Zhouyi 周易(教师读本)(with Han Meng, Ji’nan Press, 2019); Illuminating the Classic of Changes 易经明解 (with Li Shangxin and Sun Shiliu, Confucian Academy Press, 2019); A Readers’ Book for Zhouyi Beginners (with Benjamin Coles, Commercial Press, 2019). His Chinese Philosophical Thought 中国哲学思想 (China International Press, 2010) has been translated into French, Spanish, Arabic, etc.

He has also published more than 70 journal articles in both English and Chinese, including more than 10 articles in English peer-reviewed journals like Asian Philosophy, Journal of Chinese Philosophy , Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, Contemporary Chinese Thought , Culture and Psychology, Frontier of Chinese Philosophy , etc. He has been invited to present more than 100 papers in more than 20 countries all over the world.